Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Traditional Art of Kerala


                            BASIC VISION OF KALARIPAYATTU

Kalaripayattu (Kalari abhyasam) is a martial art that is formed by the ancient Gurus completely on the basis of the human anatomy and The Nature. A well practicing student can utilize five physical senses in its extreme and hence can achieve attention, speed, accuracy, strength, co-ordination, flexibility, memory power, concentration, peer respect, health, immunity etc. Hence martial arts specialists have found that kalari techniques are useful for mental and spiritual growth. Kalari training is helpful for attaining energy and rejuvenation of internal and external parts of the body.

In kalaripayattu, the importance is for defending techniques rather than attacking. To gain expertise in kalari, one must have concentration, good understanding, and the ability to perform action with skill.

All other existing martial arts give importance to defence, and offence and say that attacking enemies is the best technique to protect from harm. However, the ancient martial art of India, Kalaripayattu says to save enemies. For example, if an enemy attack us with or without weapon, our body may get hurt and/or it may cause to death. And it makes him/her a criminal and prisoner. On the other hand, a good kalari practitioner discourages such attacks by self defence and hence protects the life of his enemy. Thus we say that kalari is for saving, not for punishing our enemies.

Practising kalari under the careful observation of the master (Aasan) helps the disciples to be more affectionate to life. They bring in an order in their daily activities that results a healthy and happy life.

This is the only martial art practising in the traditional gurukul system nowadays. Traditional self defence techniques and steps, and the rhythmic body movements of kalari strengthen the hands and legs of the practitioner and he obtains the knowledge about our body which leads to self awareness and achieve peace.

According to the modern medical science there are two types of exercises: Isotonic (Aerobic Exercise) and Isometric (weight Lifting). Aerobic exercise is the better among these because; this includes the hand practise, leg practise, and steps. 85% of one’s muscles are worked out while swimming. However kalari practise gives 100% of muscles, nerves, veins, bones, joints, internal and external body part and even mind obtain energy and power. Here, the kalari movements are converted to isokinetic Energy. Hence if anyone desire to get success in other sports, by practising kalari they can gain essential motor skill, reflex action and flexibility. It develops the personality and self existence. That is why the kalari masters state that kalari training is essential and valuable for the body, mind and spirit of a human being.

The significance of practising this martial art is that it also provides training in kalari treatment.

                           MARMA TREATMENT OF KALARIPAYATTU

Marmashastra is a system of treatment. Tamil Palm leaf texts are the bases of this treatment. It is a treatment originated around 5000 years ago and given to the world by sages and yogis of ancient India. This sastra is published through books (grandas) such as Marma sootra, Marma kannadi, Marma Bheerangi, Narambarai Suttiram, Marma Alavu Nool, and Shara Nool. Proficient kalari masters have learned many kalari marma and kalari murai from their experience and these are important additions to the Marma sastra.

According to the Kalari system , there are 108 vulnerable points in the human body, which are known as `marma' points. Any disturbance or trauma to these points manifests as severe pain, deformity or even death. Marma Treatment means, with the spiritual thoughts, blessings from the god and masters, and with mental power the gurukal treats and heals injuries by manipulating these vital points in the human body. Marma treatment relieves various aches like back pain, stiffness, dislocations, and injuries and also stimulates various bodily organs and systems.

In Jai Hind Kalari Sangam , people find relief from many diseases such as neck pain, back pain, joint pain, disc prolepses etc through kalari marma treatment where modern treatments like Homeopathy and Allopathy couldn’t succeed. Apart from this we are successfully doing Relaxation massage and rejuvenation massage therapy . Advantages of Kalari Massage

Kalari massage is a useful way to improve an individual's health, life span and beauty.

It is helpful for balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (tridosha) inside the body, reliving body pain, and swelling. Helpful to give movements to the paralyzed body parts.

Kalari massage improves the physical stability and health. It prevents skin diseases and purifies the blood. It is helpful for balancing and ordering the blood circulation and improves the working of muscles, veins and nerves in the body. It also stimulates the working of respiratory system and deepens the breathing pattern. Regular kalari massage increases body flexibility and reduces fat. It is particularly useful in promoting good sleep, for calming psychotic individuals, and for helping depressed people to relax.

Kalari massage is an efficient way to maintain body fitness for youth. By enhancing the immunity system of the body, it can keep one disease free and in a state of positive health.

Kalari Thirummu encourages the flow of Pranavayu in our body and hence gains healthy blood circulation and breathing and thus helps to clean the impurities collected at different points in the body through outlets like breath, sweat, stools and urine.

The most important peculiarity of the kalari massage is that, without taking any medicine inside the body, it gives relaxation, relief and health to the internal and external parts of the body. Kalari massage is a world wide unique system of treatment, which is given by Indian sages.

                                       Training in Southern Style Kalaripayattu

Here we provide training in Southern Style Kalari, specifically in Chuvadu Murai(steps), Ati Murai (the 'law of hitting'), Aayutha Murai(weapons), Thattu Murai, Thadavu Murai, and Marma Prayoga etc.

Chuvadu murai.
It means a self protecting method from the attacks of opponent by balancing the body and movements through different kinds of steps. Chuvadu mattam (foot works) and Ozhivu murai (Evasion techniques) are also related to this. Since the steps (chuvadu) are related to the foot movements, the body flexibility methods (maivazhakkam) are also taught in order to get strength for hip joint, knee joint and angle joint.

Ati murai (verum kai – bare-handed fighting techniques).
It gives importance to defend themselves against the attacks using hands and legs. It includes 64 techniques.

Aayuda murai.
This method includes the techniques for shielding the body without weapon from attacks using the wood and iron weapons. The weapons used are Cheruvadi(small stick) , neduvadi(Long stick), kathi(knife) or kattari (dagger) , val (sword), vettukathi(machete) , parasha (kanda kodali/ Axe), and kuntham(Spear).

Marma Prayoga (knowledge of Marmas or pressure points).
Marma prayogam - the most advanced martial skill - is a technique of striking at marmas (vital points) to overwhelm the enemies.

Ilakku Murai (Adankal).
The technique used to restore the normal health of the person who is injured by the marma attack is known as ilakku mura. Thattu murai and thadavu murai are two treatments related to ilakku murai.

A regular kalari practitioner can defend any kind of attack (with or without weapons) and can discourage or overwhelm an enemy using the kalari techniques. A person can develop mental discipline, good physical culture, mind concentration, perfect memory power, and co-ordination through kalari practise.